Fundraiser helps food pantry | News - Danville Commercial News

Fundraiser helps food pantry | News - Danville Commercial News

DANVILLE — Sometimes the success of an event is giving people what they want.

In the case of the Holy Family St. Vincent De Paul Food Pantry Fundraiser, that "want" is based around the tradition of the meal's recipes.

"It's Mae Duncheon's recipes," said Nancy O'Kane, co-chair of the pantry. "She was a cook for many, many years.

"We make the mashed potatoes the same way she did; the green beans, everything the same."

The roast beef dinner — complete with noodles, potatoes, green beans, bread, dessert and drink — had a history with Holy Family School. It was served there for many years, but when the school closed, the dinner went away as well.

The food pantry resurrected it in 2014.

"The guys that are cooking are the same guys who cooked all those years," O'Kane said. "They learned it from (Duncheon)."

The event, set for 4:30-7:30 p.m. Saturday at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 310 Bryan Ave., raises funds for the church's food pantry. Tickets are $12 for an adult, $6 for children 7 to 10 years old, and free for kids 6 and younger.

In addition to a hearty meal, participants also will be able to bid in silent auctions and enter a 50/50 raffle.

The Kid's Dream Christmas Basket will be raffled as well. This package includes two original Cabbage Patch Kids dolls; a large, stuffed Mickey Mouse; a stunt drone; radio-contolled car; games and other toys. The total estimated value of this basket is more than $500.

Tickets for the raffle are $5 for one ticket or $10 for three. The first place winner gets the Kid's Dream basket. Second place gets $100 cash and third gets a $50 Casey's General Store gift card.

Thirty-eight baskets have been put together with donations from local businesses and organizations to be bid on in the silent auction. Some of the baskets include things such as a pair of floor tickets to a December Fighting Illini basketball game.

Another features a Nativity scene and small Christmas tree donated by Berry's.

"I still think I should bid on that and make it my Christmas tree this year," said Sharon Truskosky, pantry co-chair with a laugh.

O'Kane said she, Truskosky and a third co-chair, Patty Smith, shop all year long in preparation for the fundraiser. They've even made donations to the baskets themselves.

"This is our main money-maker to fund the food pantry," Truskosky said. "And the food pantry serves approximately 600 people per month."

The pantry, located in the lower level at Holy Family Catholic Church — 444 E. Main St. — is open two days per week and is a member of the Eastern Illinois Foodbank.

Donations of non-perishable food items also come in from parishioners of the church.

The pantry is open from 10 a.m. to noon Tuesdays and Thursdays in the basement at Holy Family Catholic Church. Participants need to fill out a form, provide IDs for everyone in the household, and are eligible once every 30 days.

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