Access food pantry moves to permanent location - KTVL

Access food pantry moves to permanent location - KTVL

The Access food pantry in West Medford is moving to a new, permanent location.

Luckily for visitors, they will not have to travel too far.

Access is currently using rented space at the Santo Community Center.

Starting next Tuesday, they will be operating across the street from the center at 750 North Columbus Avenue.

The pantry will also have a new shopping format for visitors.

"It leaves us the space to be able to do a real shopping-style food pantry that we really advocate for because we want to make sure the families come to us, have their choices, and not just be given a box of food," says Phillip Yates, nutrition director with Access.

Access says the new location will provide consistency for the West Medford community.

The pantry is open from 2:00 p.m to 4:00 p.m in the afternoon on Tuesdays.

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