Medina Personal Care Pantry Helping Those in Need - (blog)

Medina Personal Care Pantry Helping Those in Need - (blog)
Medina Personal Care Pantry 

By Joseph Baxter, BEAT reporter

Since 2013, Medina Care Pantry, a 501(c)(3) organization, has been helping serve those in need with necessary personal care items.

"Many families struggle to afford personal care and cleaning items as they are not covered by any other program, including food stamps," said Roger Biada, manager of the Medina Care Pantry. "The Pantry provides personal care items as well as toilet paper, laundry detergent, and cleaning items to qualifying families."

The Pantry is open the first Saturday of every month from 8 to 9:30 am at the Living Hope Church, located at 6288 Wooster Pike in Medina. Those who may require extra assistance can also come in on Thursday where four to five personal shoppers are scheduled to help.

Medina Personal Care Pantry 

"We also provide service to 80 to 90 families at four different senior apartment complexes, where orders are emailed to us," Biada mentioned. "We then bag up the orders and the complexes send people to pick up their orders."

The Pantry serves those who already receive assistance from other agencies. A four dollar donation is asked of each family per month if able.

Families of one to two people can receive 12 items, and eight double rolls of toilet paper included as one item, while families of three to four receive 15 items with 12 double rolls included as one item. Families of five or more can receive 18 items, along with 16 double rolls of toilet paper as one item.

Volunteers of any age are needed each month to help set up and assist the clients. "The clients love it when kids come," Biada explained. "We have younger kids partner with their parents, and usually fourth grade and above can usually help clients on their own."

To volunteer or donate to the pantry, call (440) 567-0769 for information, or visit their website

"The Pantry has essentially become a ministry of the Living Hope Church. We are happy to serve as many families as possible. It is an amazing process to watch God provide for their needs month after month," Biada concluded.

Joseph Baxter, a sophomore at Brunswick High School, is one of over fifty student "backpack journalists" (grades 6-12) in the award-winning BEAT Video Program. The program is sponsored by Scene75 (, RPM, Plum Creek Assisted Living Community, Baskets Galore, Medina County Arts Council, Medina County Women's Endowment Fund, Brunswick Eagles 3505, Brunswick Rotary Club and Lorain Community College at Midpoint Campus Center. Go to to learn more about the Program, or visit to view videos produced by the students.