Volunteers make difference for Six Rivers Food Pantry - Catholic Herald

Volunteers make difference for Six Rivers Food Pantry - Catholic Herald
six rivers
Catholic Charities’ employee Amy Lachuk, center, meets with food pantry lead volunteers Sue Kremer, left, and Karel Tormey at the Six Rivers Food Pantry in Cassville. (Contributed photo)

CASSVILLE -- In April 2019, Catholic Charities opened the Six Rivers Food Pantry in Cassville, Wis., in partnership with Second Harvest Food Bank and the Southwest Community Action Program.

Located along the Mississippi River, the food pantry serves Cassville and the neighboring communities of southwest Grant County, including Potosi, Cuba City, and Lancaster.

The need for Six Rivers emerged from a rising unemployment rate due to several longstanding businesses leaving the community. Community members commented that the food pantry has alleviated the stress that local homeowners experience from choosing between buying groceries or making their mortgage payment.

When their doors opened, the aim was to regularly serve at least 25 families within the area during the first year. To date, the food pantry has surpassed this goal, serving over three times the number of families initially intended.

Food pantry visitors can secure dry and canned goods, fresh produce, pantry items, meats, and dairy items. Six Rivers also provides educational materials, so families can learn about the options available to them while experiencing food insecurity.

Located in the Tranchita Building on Cassville’s Main St., the food pantry shares space with the Grant Regional Health Center. Open Wednesdays from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 8 to 9:30 a.m., the food pantry is entirely volunteer run.

Each month, the food pantry makes it possible for an average of 36 children and 27 seniors to have access to healthy, fresh food. To serve one family a meal from the food pantry costs $6.68.

To continue to serve families, Six Rivers relies on the service of about 50 volunteers. Since April, volunteers have contributed over 428 hours of service to the food pantry, which has a dollar value of $10,751 according to Independent Sector. Lead volunteers Karel Tormey and Susan Kremer comment that their dedicated volunteers often drive 30 miles as a part of their service with Six Rivers. In fact, the demand for volunteer opportunities with Six Rivers is so high that Kremer just started a growing waitlist for volunteers.

The unanticipated number of volunteers illustrates the impact Six Rivers has had on southwest Grant County. Kremer states, “Not only are the shoppers able to benefit from the resources provided at the food pantry, but it has also enriched the members of the surrounding communities through engaging in meaningful volunteaerism.”

To make an online donation to the Six Rivers Food Pantry, visit https://thebeaconhelps.org/catholic-charities-donations/ Or send a check payable, with Six Rivers in the memo line, to Catholic Charities, Attn: Jane McGowan, 702 S. High Point Rd., Suite 201, Madison, WI 53719.

Rachel Dietzman and Amy Lachuk are Catholic Charities of Madison staff members.

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