New food pantry delivery service for low-income older adults - WMTV

New food pantry delivery service for low-income older adults - WMTV

MADISON, Wis. (WMTV) -- There are more than 2,500 older adults who are at nutritional risk in Madison and Monona, according to NewBridge, an organization that provides resources for older adults.

The new program is a free monthly food pantry delivery that will take donated food items from the River Food Pantry to the homes of older adults who qualify.

To qualify for the program a person needs to be 60 years or older, live in Madison or Monona, fall 150% below the federal poverty line, which means making an approximate annual gross income of $18,000. The person is home bound, nutritionally at risk and is a client for the NewBridge case management program.

The volunteers for the new program are put on through RSVP of Dane County. They are still looking for volunteers to help deliver food to people.

"You get to know the people and you get to become friends with them and it's good for your health and good for of course the people who are getting the food you deliver," Margie Zutter, Executive Director of RSVP of Dane County, said.

The program hopes to help 60 older adults in the next year and 300 by 2024. For more information about the new program click here.