Pierpont Pride food pantry celebrates first anniversary - WBOY.com

Pierpont Pride food pantry celebrates first anniversary - WBOY.com

FAIRMONT, W.Va.- Pierpont Community and Technical College celebrated the first anniversary of its food pantry with a celebratory luncheon.

The Pierpont Pride food pantry is made up completely of donations and is available to all students and their families.

The event was open to the public and was intended to spread the word about the food pantry to those who may need it.

“It’s very humbling. Unfortunately, we have this need here in our own community and in our own town, but this helps us to take a little bit of that stress off of the students’ daily tasks,” said Pierpont financial aid counselor Jillian Sole.

Life united methodist church is in partnership with the pantry and donated all food for today’s event.

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