ELMORE - A generation ago, many volunteer needs throughout the county were met by stay-at-home moms and retired females who worked for free to help keep their communities running smoothly.
Today, with so many women entering the workforce early and staying past retirement age, there aren’t enough volunteers to fill the need. But the Elmore Food Pantry has found help from a group of young, strong, hardworking volunteers.
Handle inventory duty
The students with special needs in Edmida Hintz’s class at Woodmore High School have taken over inventory duties at the Elmore Food Pantry. Each month, they count and record stock, determine need, and shop for groceries. The groceries are then hauled back to the food pantry and unloaded onto the shelves.
“I was trying to find things for my students to do in the community that would give them life skills, and someone said the pantry needs help. They couldn’t find enough volunteers,” said Hintz, the school’s intervention specialist.
That was three years ago, and the students have thrived from the work. Hintz said the students need much less guidance than they did when they started and can do much of the work on their own now.
“They’ve come a long way,” said Sue Martin, a paraprofessional in Hintz’s class. Martin has followed and assisted some of the students in their school careers since they were in elementary school.
“Miss Sue always helps me. She always has my back,” said sophomore Baize Kaylor.
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The class travels by bus to the food pantry, which is located inside Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church in Elmore, on the first Wednesday of every month.
“We count everything, and we write down how many are here,” Kaylor said. “And we sort them so they face forward. This is a great job for me because I love counting.”
The class uses those numbers to determine how much food is needed to restock the pantry. The information is given to food pantry volunteer Michelle Timbrook, who provides Hintz with the funds to purchase the needed food. Then, on the second Wednesday of the month, the class shops at a local grocery store.
“We have a list, and we buy things. Then we transport it to the church and put them all in rows,” said senior Aidan Treat.
Project fosters inclusivity
The food pantry project is not only helping the pantry and enriching the lives of the students, but it also helps foster acceptance and inclusivity in the community.
“People see us pushing four or five carts and ask why we’re buying so much food. I tell them we work for the local food pantry,” Hintz said.
Hintz said the food pantry is always in need of donations, and when large amounts come in, as they often do around the holidays, the class will sort and stock them.
“They’ve learned to read expiration dates,” Martin said. “When people donate at the holidays, this floor is full of bags. They check all the expiration dates.”
Student Raina Yerg, who helps with the food pantry, graduated last year but returned to Hintz’s class as part of the adult program. Students on Individual Education Programs (IEPs) have the option of remaining in school until age 22. Typically, a student does a social graduation when they finish their senior year and then receives a diploma when they leave school at age 22, said Woodmore Middle School Principal Kevin Ball.
“In the adult program, they continue with classes but they focus more on life skills and independent living. I have a laundry corner and a toaster oven and microwave in my classroom,” Hintz said.
Hintz’s students have been vital to the success of the food pantry.
“They do a great job,” Timbrook said. “It’s been extremely helpful to have the kids do the shopping. It’s a huge relief.”
Contact correspondent Sheri Trusty at sheritrusty4@gmail.com.
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