DEPEW, N.Y. (WKBW) — Dawn Buck began stocking up Depew's Little Free Food Pantry in her front yard at 568 Rowley Road almost a year ago.
"I wanted to help," she said. "So my husband went out to the garage, got an old cupboard, a kitchen cupboard, and we put it up."
Buck said this is the only residential food pantry in her community, and she stocks it herself using her own money.
That's why she was really frustrated to find out that someone has been showing up and practically clearing it out, several times a day.
"I was never here when she'd come by. 'Cause I wanted to just talk to her and ask her if she needed some help or what her situation was," said Buck.
Buck and her daughter Mattasin Gambino said they don't have any hard feelings towards this individual because they really could be in need. But the pantry is intended for families to take just enough food for a meal. Buck said she's been trying to reach out to this person for two weeks.
"Please just come stop by, talk to me, obviously I have food and I will feed you, but don't take all the food out of the pantry. Leave some food for other people," said Buck.
Gambino said if any families are in need of more than what the pantry can supply, they can send them a private Facebook message and Buck will prepare a box for them.
"They just let us know how many kids they have, what they need, it's complete anonymous," said Gambino. "We're here. We're still here to help you."
Buck said she hopes this individual would reach out to her and let her know of their situation so that she might be able to help them.