Beltrami Electric sought candidates for the Touchstone Energy Community Award, which recognizes organizations for outstanding contributions to the local community. Ruby's Pantry of Bemidji was nominated by Gary Brooks of Blackduck. The recognition comes with a $500 award and an engraved Touchstone Energy Community Award plaque signifying the organization's commitment to community.
Ruby's Pantry of Bemidji is a faith-based organization, sponsored locally by Mt. Zion Church. Since August 2017, they have held a "pop-up pantry" the third Wednesday of every month. Ruby's Pantry of Bemidji is currently the largest of all the pop-up pantry sites, serving nearly 400
households each month. There are no income or resident limits/requirements to receive food from Ruby's Pantry. The only restriction is one share per household, so that they can reach as many households as possible, a release said. Guests are asked to pay a $20 cash donation per share, and in return, they receive items such as meat, dairy, frozen vegetables, bread, paper products and more.
The Ruby's Pantry of Bemidji application will be submitted for consideration to the statewide
Minnesota Touchstone Energy Community Award committee.