MCC food pantry gets name change, rebrand - FOX 44 - KWKT

MCC food pantry gets name change, rebrand - FOX 44 - KWKT

WACO, Texas - The McLennan Community College's food pantry got a re-brand.

It is now known as "Paulanne's Pantry." The foundation revealed the name change at a ceremony on Tuesday morning.

This change comes after the foundation received nearly $300,000 from the estate of Paulanne Hoover - a Waco woman who died in 1994.

The foundation says the money will be combined with other donations - $50,000 will be allocated to the pantry and the remainder will go towards a scholarship program for part-time students.

"When it comes to helping students, you have to go to the basics now - it's not just sink or swim," says Kim Patterson, MCC Foundation Director. "We try to help our students in every way possible, so it's very fulfilling for us to have those students supported for their basic needs as well as their scholarship needs and everything else."

A third of McLennan students show signs of low food security. The pantry delievered more than 18 pounds of food to students during the last school year.

The endowment will continuously provide for 30 percent of the food pantry's needs at all times.

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