To the editor:
The 12th Mobile Food Pantry of the Midland County Emergency Food Pantry Network of this year was hosted Oct. 10 at the Central Michigan AFL-CIO Hall, located on James Savage Road in Midland.
The giveaway of 14,751 pounds of free food was funded by the Central Michigan Central Labor members who have provided a MFP each year since 2015.
Our 41 volunteers served 284 families (824 individuals). Food purchased from the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan included frozen meats, fresh produce (carrots, potatoes, pie pumpkins, zucchini, green beans), rice, cereals, rolled oats, beverages, canned apricots, other boxed and canned items and baked desserts and breads.
The network is very grateful to the many donors of food, money and time to the network's mission of "Always food in every home."
The 13th (and final) MFP of this year will be on Nov. 7, at the Midland Mall. Also, Midland County residents in (financial) need of food during the year may dial 211 and request the Midland County Emergency Food Pantry Network for food assistance or may dial the Network directly at 486-9393 and press 1 to leave a message.
Member, board of directors
Midland County EFPN