ST. LOUIS - Neighbors helping neighbors. A food pantry in an alley in Carondelet is helping feed the hungry.
An outdoor pantry, stocked with necessities like toiletries, women's hygiene products, diapers, food that is ready to eat, seasonally appropriate clothing, etc.
It is not something you would expect to find in an alley.
Laura Gatlin said this is her way of helping others.
"I know it doesn't do that much, but it does help. I've had people come and tell how much they appreciate having it," said Gatlin.
Everyone is welcome. You take what you need, but leave what you can.
"It's for people who don't have homes, but also for people who may have homes, but not enough to eat, open to everyone.
Gatlin said hunger is real, and sadly, she has seen it firsthand in her neighborhood.
"A week ago somebody gave me $75 and I was able to go to Aldi's and fill it up, it was gone in two days, which is sad. There shouldn't be such a need, but unfortunately, there is right now so we have to do things like this," said Gatlin.
If you would like to help out, you can contact Gatlin by email, lgfromks@gmail.com.