WEST ORANGE, NJ — As the West Orange School years drew to a close, members of the Edison Middle School Student Council and Math Club stopped by the Holy Trinity-West Orange Food Pantry to drop off donations and a check for $175.
Advisor Jennifer Blume and students walked from the school to the food pantry, where they stocked the shelves with the items they collected and presented the check to purchase food. The money was raised during the school's annual Pi Day celebration, where students purchased raffle tickets to build an ice cream sundae on a teacher's head.
"The students were amazing," said West Orange resident Chris Babinski, who was on hand to greet the students. "We are always so happy to have them visit...They asked a lot of important questions and were happy to put away the donations. They were excited to present the food pantry with a check, too.”
Adding that Edison donated more than 100 boxes of cereal earlier this year as well, Pantry administrator Cynthia Cumming extended gratitude “to the community and school district for their ongoing support."