'This is God's pantry' - Norwalk Reflector

'This is God's pantry' - Norwalk Reflector

About seven months ago, when Blessing Basket Food Pantry opened in the Willard Church of God, 4551 Willard West St., it helped to feed about 56 people. In February that number jumped to 401. Last month there were 717 fed by the program. And pantry administrator Tim Wilson expects the numbers to increase, adding he thinks the program will be serving upwards of 1,200 come summertime. 

“When we started getting a few that were coming, we realized the need was here,” Wilson said. “Then when we started getting a lot, we realized there’s truly a need for this. It’s feeding families that others can’t get to. To hear someone say that because you gave us food, we now don’t have to make the decision of (not) paying one of our bills or letting our family go hungry. To see that and to see them in tears, you know we’re really helping these families.”

The Blessing Basket is different from the other food banks in the area in that no one is restricted from benefitting from the program. The pantry is open on Saturdays and there’s no cap on the assistance received. 

“We’re open twice a month and we don’t limit anyone to only coming once a month coming to get food,” he said. “If they need food twice a month, then we tell them to come back. That’s something that’s different about us because most food pantries are once-a-month because of how many people do come. Basically we focus everything on God with this. We say this is God’s pantry. We have never ever run out of food, no matter how many people have come.”

Wilson said no one is questioned when they come to pick up food. They are helped regardless of how much they earn or where they live.

“We never turn anyone away,” he said. “This past month I (had people come from) six counties and 15 cities. They come here. People actually travel here because they know they’re getting nice, good, great food. Sometimes we have apples, potatoes, oranges and other fruits and vegetables to give away. And a lot of the things that we have are name-brand items.”

The pantry boasts two large freezers and five fridges, all stocked full fo food. There are also aisles and moveable shelf walls of canned, boxed and bagged dry-good foods. Wilson estimated between 12,000 and 14,000 pounds of food was stored up.

“Our pastor, Greg Griffith, had a vision to start feeding some families and we’ve gone beyond that,” he said.

Griffith was unavailable for comment due to being on vacation.

The pantry is far from a one-man show, though, with many volunteers coming to help for each pantry day, including some children. 

Brenna Eberly, 13, attends church there and said she feels she’s “making a difference in the community.”

“It just seemed like something I could do and help with in our church. I feel like by helping more, I’m helping the community more,” the daughter of Charles and Rachel said. “I’ve enjoyed it a lot. I’m getting to spend time with a lot of wonderful people. It’s definitely been a blessing.”

Wilson agreed on the impact the pantry has made. He said he felt the pantry was necessary not just because he knew it was needed but because he was in a similar situation of need before as well. One recent experience confirmed despite it being “a lot of work, it’s all worth it.”

He said a couple came in with children recently, seeking food and assistance after he had a major surgery and she had broken her ankle.

“They’re doing their best to take care of their kids,” Wilson said. “The little boy just looks at me, reaches in his pocket and pulls out a dollar bill and tries to hand it to me. I say ‘It’s OK.’ … but for a little 5-year-old boy, he says ‘You fed my family’ and gives me a dollar bill and goes, ‘Buy more food’ — that tells you it’s worth it all. It’s these families that make it worth it.”

The pantry is scheduled to be open from noon to 3 p.m. April 13 and 27, May 11 and 25, June 8 and 29, July 13 and 27, Aug. 3 and 17 and Sept. 7 and 21. More days will be announced and posted at the center as the dates get closer. Anyone with an emergency and in need of food outside of those times also can contact Wilson at 419-554-9202. 

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