Luciano: Threadbare food pantry hoping for Christmas miracle - Peoria Journal Star

Luciano: Threadbare food pantry hoping for Christmas miracle - Peoria Journal Star

With Manna From Heaven Food Pantry facing hard times, I suggested theft.

Not that it should plan a criminal caper, just allow a little larceny. Hey, it worked before, though by happenstance.

In 2009, a crook snatched a pocketbook left unattended by a pantry contributor. The thief got away with $80, a big chunk of the pantry’s monthly expenses. But after a column here, donations poured in — $7,000, or twice the annual budget.

These days, that sort of miracle is needed for Manna From Heaven, 607 S. Western Ave. To pantry co-manager Juanita Duncan, I suggested she leave her purse lying around and hope for lightning to strike twice.

“Oh, here,” she said, handing over her purse with a chuckle. “Leave it out! Whatever it takes, we’re desperate.”

By this time most years, the pantry is nearing its annual fundraising goal (in cash or pledges) of $14,000. But as of this week, the year's total is only $8,000, with just a month left to make up a $6,000 shortfall.

Duncan says, “It doesn’t look good for next year.”

That means it doesn’t look good for thousands upon thousands of Peorians who depend on the no-frills pantry. Started in 2004, Manna From Heaven serves as many as 180 people every Tuesday morning. But the reach is far greater: many visitors bring home food for households with multiple children and adults.

“We have some with 10 or 11 in their house,” Duncan says.

To get to the pantry, most guests walk for blocks from their weathered bungalows in the old neighborhood. They bring hampers, laundry baskets and boxes, each to be filled with food. This week, choices included oranges, raisins, cranberries, hummus, cottage cheese and various dry goods.

Before food dispersal, a short meeting is held in the cramped pantry. Tuesday, Duncan stood up to speak, leaning on her Bible and the Book of John (Chapter 3) to discuss love and salvation.  Afterward, she explained, “It’s not exactly a sermon but a sermonette, to encourage them to have hope.”

Longtime visitors enjoy the words of inspiration, as well as relationships with the all-volunteer staff, about 10 in all.

“The food is good and the people are good to us,” says Gloria Cox, 54, who has been walking to the pantry every week for a decade. “They are always here for you. And they always treats people the same, no matter who you are.”

The volunteers also enjoy the interaction, even the occasional ribbing. As one visitor approached the food line, he yipped at volunteer Clara Hobson, “Look out! It’s the mean lady!”

Hobson smiled at the familiar face. A 10-year volunteer, Hobson knows just about everyone. 

“I like people,” says Hobson, 70. “The people who come through the door, they really need and appreciate the help.”

Their bonds stretch past the pantry.

“I see them in the marketplace and they’ll come up and say, ‘Hi, Miss Clara!’” Hobson says, beaming. “I like that.”

The bare-bones operation hobbles along with worn floor tiles, mismatched chairs and other threadbare amenities. But some problems aren’t mere aesthetics: the freezers are falling apart, and one is just about shot. Still, replacements seem impossible right now, what with donations down $6,000.

“I really, really don’t know why,” Duncan says. “Donors are giving less. Maybe they’re giving elsewhere.”

Maybe. But stomachs still rumble on the south end. That won’t change in the new year.

"In 2018, we can't keep these doors open without your help,” Duncan says.

Tax-deductible donations can be sent to Manna Outreach Ministries, P.O. Box 6432, Peoria, IL 61601-6432. Meantime, with many organizations looking for year-end help, Duncan wonders if Peoria’s yuletide spirit will extend to little Manna From Heaven Food Pantry.

“That’s what I’m hoping for,” she says.

PHIL LUCIANO is a Journal Star columnist. He can be reached at, and (309) 686-3155. Follow him on

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