8 Food pantry opens for veterans - UpNorthLive.com

8 Food pantry opens for veterans - UpNorthLive.com

It’s open from 1 PM to 3 PM, every second and fourth Thursday of the month.

WEXFORD COUTNY, Mich., (WPBN/WGTU) -- A new food pantry in Wexford County is now open, and it caters strictly to veterans.

It’s part of the Veterans Serving Veterans non-profit.

The food bank facility opened last month. Fellow veterans give boxes filled with a variety of food to veterans and their families for free.

It’s open from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., every second and fourth Thursday of the month.

During those hours, they also serve chili or soup. They also deliver boxes to veterans if needed.

Stephen Birdwell helps with Veterans Serving Veterans and is in charge of the food pantry.

“We did this because a lot of veterans don’t like to get out in public, they don’t like to go to a regular food bank," said Birdwell. "That’s why we are 'Veterans Serving Veterans,' we are all veterans here helping other veterans, so it’s very important.”

The food pantry is located on 41 Road near the Wexford County Airport

It's the same property that will soon house a couple of war memorials.

All the food is and products are donated. They also accept clothing donations that will go to the veterans.

If you are a veteran, or a family member of a veteran, or want to donate or volunteer, call Stephen Birdwell at (231)884-3597.

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