Didion employees team up to support local food pantry - Portage Daily Register

Didion employees team up to support local food pantry - Portage Daily Register

Didion employees on Monday delivered nearly $5,000 worth of donated items to the Bread Basket Community Food Pantry located at First Presbyterian Church in Cambria.

With the holidays around the corner, the need for food and other household items in the community is even greater. Lee and JoAnn Vaughn, organizers of the pantry, welcomed Didion employees to the church on Monday to accept the donations. Donated items included non-perishable foods, toiletries, paper products and gift cards.

In an effort to create camaraderie and some friendly competition, the entire company split up into teams and were challenged to see which team could gather the most pantry items. Teams had a month to gather as many items as they could. Some teams even reached out to the community to get involved, including area farmers who left donations while driving through Didion’s Raw Corn Processing Facility.

“This was a great way to come together as a company, but most importantly to help so many families in their time of need,” said Chris Johnson, executive assistant at Didion and an organizer of the event. “In the end, the food pantry is the real winner!”

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