BRAZIL, Ind. (WTHI)- Monday through Friday volunteers at the Clay County Emergency Food Pantry in Brazil do what they can to help those that come to them seeking help.
All coming for food, clothes and even toys. Doing what they can to help people like Sharon Neese who not only goes for herself but others who are unable to go to the pantry themselves.
"For food and household appliances. Just a little bit of everything and it’s wonderful. It is wonderful. I don't know what most people would do without it," said Neese.
Over the past couple years the pantry has begun to run into issues with space. For example, the food pantry only has space for two volunteers to collect food orders at a time.
CEO of the pantry Mike Robinson says there’s a space for toy cleaning and organizing is the emptiest it has been in years, but there are still items piled up where they are constantly making progress.
"The building is too small and so we always joke about we gotta watch each other walking down the hallways. Actually one of our carts we bring the food off, we have a little horn we have to push so they know we're coming," said Robinson.
That's why the pantry is starting to seek a solution. There are a few properties in town that have possibilities, but it could cost nearly a quarter million to make an upgrade.
They also hope to join forces with others in the clay county community to help those in need as a whole.
"There are many pantries in the same position that need donations, finical donations. What I would like to see down the road sometime is several agencies going together and merging all our resources together," said Robinson.
The pantry is still seeking food donations, especially in the coming winter months. If you would like to donate food or funds to their cause call them at (812) 446-2293