The Wilton food pantry faces the summer months with 272 eligible individuals to take supplies, up from 243 last year.
“Every year our numbers increase as we get new, eligible Wilton residents every month,” said Sarah Heath, director of Social Services.
“We are not currently short, but our shelves become depleted through the summer months with the uptick in need.” she said.
The food pantry would appreciate any donations during the summer months to help keep the shelves stocked for households that pick up once a week.
“We have Wilton residents, organizations and groups reaching out to us regularly to offer donations or drives, it is just less so in the summer months as people are away or their groups don’t meet during the summer,” Heath said.
Needs for the summer months include non-perishable lunch items so families can pack nutritious lunches for their children to take to camp. These include peanut butter, jelly, crackers, fruit cups, and juice boxes.
“In general, we can always use personal care items as our families also appreciate these when available as they can be costly, including sunblock,” Heath said.
Summer months can be tough for families who rely on the free or reduced-price lunch offered through the schools, as it is not offered at camp, Heath said. So, sending their children to camp each day with a lunch is costly and can really cut into some families’ budgets.
“This is where the our food pantry can become even more helpful than other times of the year as covering food costs can be difficult. We access donated funds like Wilton Rocks for Food and rely on donations to keep our pantry shelves stocked.”
The Kiwanis Club is a regular contributor to the food pantry. The club does four food pantry drives a year. The last one was this month. The next drive is in mid-September.
To make a donation, call Heath at 203-834-6238 for the best times to drop off a basket.