Merry Christmas! Empty Pantry Fund surpasses goal - Maryville Daily Times

Merry Christmas! Empty Pantry Fund surpasses goal - Maryville Daily Times

The Empty Pantry Fund has successfully reached and surpassed its goal of $102,468.97 for 2017 with the addition of contributions from Smith Funeral and Cremation Service’s annual Memorial Christmas Tree program and Grandview Cemetery’s annual Candlelight Tribute.

The Memorial Christmas Tree program provides a way for the public to memorialize loved ones and benefit the Empty Pantry Fund. Those who made a donation to the EPF at the funeral home had an ornament with their loved one’s name placed on one of the trees. At Grandview Cemetery’s Candlelight Tribute, held Dec. 7 at the cemetery on Tuckaleechee Pike, people donated $5 to have a candle placed on their loved one’s gravesite. All donations from both programs go to the Empty Pantry Fund.

“Once again, Smith’s and Grandview’s donations allowed us to surpass our goal for 2017,” said Empty Pantry Fund President Lon Fox. “We will have enough money to order our food and start our collections for 2018. This is great news because we plan to continue to reinvent the basket again next year, exchanging, changing and adding items to our food basket for the recipients.”


In loving memory of Doc and Helen Braden, Charles and Myrtle Braden, Harold Abbott, Harold Kitts, L.C. Tipton, Michael Allison and Susie Kate Long, $200

Tazz, $200

Smokey Mountain Knife Club, $100

Anonymous, $5

Anonymous, $4

Olympia, $116

Kenneth and Peggy Hoy, $100

In memory of Janet Leonard Bryant and Mary Leonard Lawson by Charlie and Linda Rogers, $75

Sarah MacKenzie, $100

In memory of my parents, Glenn and Anne Brown, by Glenda Drinka, $100

Debra and Larry Poston, $25

Robert and Diane Brandsborg, $50

Jazzy Tazz, $200

NPPM Apron Donation, $1

Grandview Cemetery Candlelight Service, $6,200

Smith Funeral and Cremation Service Memorial Christmas Tree Donations, including:

In memory of Burl and Billie Davis by Joe and Donna Coleman, $50

In memory of Harrel Boling by Irene Boling, $20

In memory of Dewey Dwight Goins by Julia Goins, $50

In memory of Clifford and Mark Tilson by Charlotte Tilson, $20

In memory of Dewey Dwight Goins by Felicia and Katie Griffin, $25

In memory of Robert Hubbs, $10

In memory of Jesse Powlus by Alleen Powlus, $25

In memory of Robert J. Kelly by Robert and Miki Kelly, $25

In memory of Russell West by Steve and Ruth West, $50

In memory of Wanell Brown by Linda Wolfenbarger, $20

In memory of Ruth Hunt, Elmer and Raychel Gibson by Lisa Gibson, $25

In memory of John and Edna Debusk by Alan and Lisa, $25

In memory of Joann and Ralph Shields by Trent Shields, $50

In memory of Jack Stewart by Betty Stewart, $20

In memory of our parents by Steve and Sandy Millsaps, $100

In memory of Joe S. Ingram, Chris Sullivan, Homer and Gaily Mull, George and Myrtle Sullivan, and Ralph and Betty Sullivan given by Teresa Ingram, $100

In memory of Leann Drinnen, Dr. Marvin Gibson, and Elmer and Raychel Gibson by Wayne and Betty Drinnen, $100

In memory of Bill McClanahan, Evelyn Wilhoit and Mary Blair by Ronnie and Donna Inman, $50

In memory of Jay and Mary and Bob and Mae Everett by Shirley Everett, $50

In memory of Earl, Helen and Ginger Cloniger by Wayne and Shirley Everett, $50

In memory of Joe Nicholson by Mollie Nicholson, $100

In memory of Allen Shuler by Linda Shuler and Family, $50

In memory of Edgar (Bam) Rader by Phyllis Rader, $25

In memory of K. Wayne Brewer by Betty Brewer, $100

In memory of John Meyers and Jonathan Myers by Mary Myers, $10

In memory of Neal and Ruth Headrick by Monte, Patsy and Doug, $15

In memory of Mike Lingenfelter by Loretta Lingenfelter, $50

In memory of Patti Young by Casey L. Young, $100

In memory of John C. Mayes by Denny and Cindy Mayes, $100

In memory of Mary Angel Cooper by Mary Cooper, $7

In memory of Clarence and Vada Pack by Judy Pack, $50

In memory of Richard Helton by Deborah Helton, $25

In memory of Jennie Cagle, $20

In memory of Wanda Jane Clark by Archie Clark, $200

In memory of Robert Frank Davis by Elsie, $5

In memory of Jack and Ina Vann Whaley by Ralph and Jane Whaley, $200

In memory of Jannis Cutshall by Clarence Cutshall, $150

In memory of Bobbi Dunn by Bill, Kids and Grandkids, $25

In memory of Jeanette Payne Davis by Winston Davis, $25

In memory of Terry A. Payne by Pat and Family, $100

In memory of Margot Kidwell by Harry Kidwell, $25

In memory of Kenny “Rooster” Brewer by Wanda Sue Devine, $50

In memory of the Rev. and Mrs. Thurman Arnold by Frances and Max Williamson, $100

In memory of Lynn Allen by Betty Allen, $50

In memory of Charles Hatfield by Judith Hatfield, $25

In memory of Bobby Taylor by Benita Taylor, $25

In memory of JE and Naomi Brewer by Sue Thompson, $100

In memory of Charles “Oscar” Hobbs by Terri Houston, $20

In memory of Floyd Harbison, Billie Sue Hyatt, Raymond Harmon Jr., Clofford Schank, Carrie Harbison, Robert Harbison and Lowell Harbison by Martha Schank, $50

In memory of Jenny “Wren” Ebersole by Mary Ebersole, $100

In memory of Adam Sherwood, $25

In memory of Daniel McCarter, $25

In memory of Matthew Sherwood, $25

In memory of Steve Samples by Doris Samples, $25

In memory of Roberta G. Gorley by Elizabeth Beavers, $25

In memory of Kyle Bernard by Evelyn Bailey and Family, $20

In memory of Gary Glardon by Victoria Glardon, $50

In memory of Meek Carter by Frances Carter, $20

In memory of Clint Cox by Maria and Ben Pack, $50

In memory of Lyon Phelps by Lavonda Phelps, $20

In memory of Evelyn Macht, Dewey and Mae Pickens, and George and Muriel Macht by the Macht Family, $200

In memory of Davidson and Gibson Families by Don and Sue Gibson, $500

In memory of those we served in 2017 by Smith Funeral and Cremation Service, $750

TOTAL – THANK YOU, $107,105.87

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