Pantry of Faith - Byron Review

Pantry of Faith - Byron Review
By Karen M. Jorgensen

Faith Lutheran Church members will be having their third Expo to benefit the church's "Pantry of Faith" this Saturday, Nov. 11, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The Pantry of Faith is a ministry of Faith Lutheran that provides emergency food to Dodge Center residents who need them the most.

The Expo will feature vendors, crafts, Faith Fudge, baked goods, breakfast and lunch.

The Pantry was started several years ago, Jackie Short said. Short, along with Lauren Asprey, coordinates the pantry.

Originally church members were asked to donate specific items each month to stock the pantry, she said. While members still donate food, she said, as time went on it was discussed how to make the project more self-sustainable.

The result, she said, was the annual Expo.

The concept is simple, she said, home-based businesses and crafters pay $30 for a table at the Expo. The vendors can keep the money they make by selling their products and the church uses the $30 to buy groceries for the pantry.

The number of vendors has grown each year and this year is up to 30, she said.

Each bag provides a family with several meals, Short said. The bags contain tuna and chicken helpers along with tuna and chicken, cereal, pancake mix and syrup, applesauce and peanut butter. A pound of hamburger and package of hot dogs have also been added, she said.

In addition families are able to get toilet paper, toothbrushes and toothpaste, deodorant and other toiletries, often in travel sizes, and laundry soap.

"I like to think the toiletries are little pieces of dignity," Short said. Things that most of us take for granted are a blessing for many of the people using the pantry.

Use of the pantry is at an all time high, Short said.

"We're not trying to get new members," she said, "but show that there are people who care.

Read the rest of the story in the print edition of the Star Herald.

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