New food pantry opens in Robertson County - KBTX - KBTX

New food pantry opens in Robertson County - KBTX - KBTX

FRANKLIN, Tex. (KBTX)- Twenty-one years ago, Freman Richard and members of the Franklin community dreamed of finding their food pantry a permanent home.

"When we started out the food pantry, we were in a little trailer, and we would set up outside, in front of the churches," said Richard.

After years worth of donations from the community, the Food Pantry has upgraded into a 4,050 square foot building located right of of Highway 79.

"We can continue to serve this community and only through the grace of God, and the people willing to step in and help us with this pantry," said Richard.

The community run food pantry serves more than 100 families a month, and they are expecting to serve more during the holidays.

"We started this to help Franklin ISD and the families, but we have grown so much and want to continue to not only help them, but others in Robertson County," said Richard.

Sharon Hill, a resident of Franklin said she is thankful for the support that the Franklin Food Pantry and her neighbors have given her.

"Well in 2014, my husband and I, with our grandson and daughter, found ourselves jobless. We've never really been to a food pantry, and a friend told us about this and they covered us from juice to laundry detergent," said Hill.

After Sharon saw the Franklin Food Pantry's new building for the first time, she couldn't believe her eyes.

"This is just, this is out of the world, especially for people that are, that truly need it and it's here-- sometime that's all some people get, their basic food needs are here for the month," said Hill.

Richard said he hopes to see the food pantry grow even more in the future.

"We have a unique community here, everybody comes together, the business the churches and so forth, and that makes you feel good in your heart, you know, because you know that those kids are not going to bed hungry I just hope we can continue this," said Richard.

The Franklin Food Pantry is now open on Saturdays from 9 am to 12 pm.

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