Race party will benefit food pantry in Athens - The State Journal-Register

Race party will benefit food pantry in Athens - The State Journal-Register

A third-generation race car driver is putting on a party in which a portion of the proceeds will benefit the ATHENS AREA FOOD PANTRY.

JEREMY STANDRIDGE is hosting the STANDRIDGE MOTORSPORTS RACE PARTY from 4 to 11 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 18, at the VFW hall, 2349 Stockyard Road.

The family-friendly event will feature free admission, free food, a disc jockey and live auction. It will include games, a race car simulator, raffle drawing for a fire pit and more. 

“A portion of the proceeds that come in from the auction will be donated to the food pantry,” said Standridge, who noted that the party has been held since 2002, benefiting different charities such as St. Jude and the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation. “Then we deliver that along with canned goods that we do every year to the food pantry, usually a week after the party.”

Partygoers are welcome to bring canned goods. Monetary donations are also welcome.

“We mainly try to get them to bring monetary donations. … The more money we can get, then they can use that money to allocate whatever is best for them instead of just the canned goods themselves,” Standridge said.

Last year, $500 was donated to the food pantry.

“Because we had bad weather that week, I think it hurt our attendance,” Standridge said. “We usually donate $1,000-plus.

“I’ve been racing since 1999. I’m a third-generation race car driver, so if I’m fortunate enough to be able to race, even if it’s not full time, I feel like the least I could do is give something back to those less fortunate.”

From 50 to 70 families in the Athens School District visit the pantry each month, said president LINDA PEDIGO.

“Most things that we need are things that food stamps won’t buy, like soap, shampoo, deodorant, paper towels, toilet paper and dish soap, that kind of thing,” said Pedigo.

The pantry, which has been in existence more than 20 years, is open for distribution of goods from 9 to 10:30 a.m. every third Saturday and the following Monday from 6 to 7 p.m. It is on Main Street in Athens, across from a funeral home.

“I’ve lived here all my life, 71 years, and I cannot tell you any program that has lasted as long and done as well,” said Pedigo, who credited help from schools, organizations, churches and individuals. “I can’t tell you how good it feels to have this kind of an organization that people are working with all the time.”

For more information about the food pantry or to donate items, call 341-1894. Monetary donations may be mailed to the pantry at P.O. Box 67, Athens, IL 62613 or to the Athens State Bank, designating the Athens Area Food Pantry.

For more information about the Feb. 18 party or to donate auction items, call Standridge at 414-5933 or email swd10s@yahoo.com.

-- Contact Tamara Browning: tamara.browning@sj-r.com, 788-1534, http://twitter.com/tambrowningSJR.

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