Clean out your pantry and make these simple swaps for a healthier 2017 - Omaha World-Herald

Clean out your pantry and make these simple swaps for a healthier 2017 - Omaha World-Herald

Especially this time of year, it’s helpful to take an inventory of your pantry and clean it out. Doing so will make the new year instantly healthier. So before making your grocery list, keep in mind these tips.

Clean out: Anything packaged with a lengthy ingredient list or with unrecognizable ingredients.

Healthier options: Try packaged snacks with whole ingredients, alongside cleaner choices. One of my approved, whole-ingredient snacks is multi-grain Wasa Crispbread crackers spread with hummus.

Clean out: White pasta. This is a no-brainer, but most of us have some, even if it was for a special recipe. Toss it!

Healthier options: It doesn’t have to be whole-wheat pasta, but try a whole-grain pasta, or swap for a legume-based pasta such as lentil, edamame or black-bean pasta. You’ll get huge increases in nutrient content with this change.

Clean out: Sugary peanut butters. While these can be tempting, they are often consumed in excess, and can contain added sugar and unhealthy hydrogenated oils, which contain trans fats.

Healthier options: Natural peanut butter, almond butter or sunflower seed butter. I also like to suggest making your own nut butter. Simply grind almonds or another nut in a hearty blender such as Ninja or Vitamix, adding a drizzle of canola or olive oil, until desired thickness.

Clean out: Fattening salad dressings, dips, and condiments. My favorite examples are mayonnaise, sour cream and whipped toppings, which can be switched without affecting flavor.

Healthier options: Purchase oil-based dressings and condiments such as low-fat mayonnaise, which can save you 30 calories and 4 grams of fat per tablespoon. Try plain nonfat Greek yogurt as a direct swap for sour cream.

Clean out: Snack items in the pantry.

Healthier option: Snack items that need refrigeration. Dairy-based snacks such as quark, which is a type of cheese, and low-fat cottage cheese, portioned packs of walnuts or almonds, carrot sticks, pre-cooked edamame and fresh berries make snacking healthier but are still quick and easy.

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