Food supplies low at FM pantry - Fort Madison Daily Democrat

Food supplies low at FM pantry - Fort Madison Daily Democrat

It’s just a matter of fact: Other than air and water, people need food to exist. But sometimes getting food is not as easy as it sounds. That’s why places like the North Lee County Food Pantry are important. But what happens when its shelves start to go bare?

George Gaudette, president of the board of Community Services Inc. Fort Madison Food Pantry, said his organization is set up to help people who need to feed their families, but it isn’t always easy.

“Sometimes our shelves are almost empty,” Gaudette said. “And today is one of those days.”

Gaudette said the majority of the food the North  Lee County Food Pantry distributes comes from the Food Bank in Ottumwa. This is delivered once a month.

“We can get a lot of food or a little bit of food, depending on what they have,” Gaudette said.

The Food Bank sends the pantry a list of available food a week prior to the delivery.

Locally, the food pantry receives help from several locations.

“We get bread from Hy-Vee,” Gaudette said. “We get food from Kentucky Fried Chicken. Every Tuesday we go and get food that has been frozen, wrapped and identified.”

The pantry gets items from KFC ranging from mashed potatoes to chicken.

On Thursdays, Aldi makes donations of all types.

“They give us chicken ... even steaks,” Gaudette said. “They routinely provide for us.”

Gaudette said people bring food to the food pantry. During seasons, garden goods will be taken to the pantry and during the Christmas holiday people volunteer to help with food baskets.

Currently, the food pantry assists 785 families a year. Gaudette said the summer months are difficult since children are home from school.

Gaudette said people can help in many ways.

“We get people who come in from time to time with a couple of bags of food,” Gaudette said. “We also get a huge amount when the Postal Service and Siemens do their drives.”

For information on how you can assist the North Lee County Food Pantry, call 319-372-8071.

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