Indoor yard sale to benefit Meredith Emergency Food Pantry - Laconia Citizen

Indoor yard sale to benefit Meredith Emergency Food Pantry - Laconia Citizen

Event takes place on Oct. 16


MEREDITH- Times can be tough for many people around the holiday season, and for that reason the Inter-Lakes Education Association and the Inter-Lakes Support Staff Association are holding an indoor yard sale next month to benefit the Meredith Emergency Food Pantry.

“They are always so appreciative of the funds we give them each year,” said Alesia Parks, who is one of the organizers of the annual event. “It’s a big boost around the holiday season. Doing this a little sooner helps the food pantry get things going.”

Parks explained that for the past seven years the event has been held in the fall at Inter-Lakes Elementary School in an effort to give the food pantry a leg up on the holiday season. The food pantry uses its own funds to fill the shelves to prepare for the holidays, and it can often be a struggle to meet the need. The monthly bill for the food pantry costs about $3,000 and the pantry cannot survive on their funds alone, which makes the yard sale so vital.

Last year’s yard sale brought in $2,725, with 100 percent of the proceeds going to the food pantry. Every year the amount raised has increased, which is a testament to the caring nature of the Inter-Lakes community. Parks said the goal this year is to bring in more than what was raised last year. Over the past five years the yard sale has brought in more than $14,000.

“It all goes to the food pantry,” said Parks. “We have the space, we have the volunteers and we don’t need any expenses.”

Another great thing about the yard sale is that while 100 percent of proceeds go to the food pantry, there will also be boxes of canned goods donated in an effort to get the food pantry ready for the holidays.

Music teacher Julie Krisak and Paraeducator Elaine Campbell also help organize the event and they said there are always plenty of great items available. This includes a variety of toys, furniture, home décor, books, clothing, houseware, seasonal items, sports equipment, office supplies, linens and more. There are also themed gift baskets that Parks makes each year. Last year she made 42 baskets, which include brand new items that people can enjoy.

Krisak also said there is a baked sale each year that generates funds to be sent to the food pantry.

“The multi-purpose room is always filled with a ton of great stuff,” Krisak said.

Campbell pointed out that for most of the items there aren’t price tags, aside from the furniture, but instead people donate what they feel is fitting.

“I think we actually make more money having this be through donations, rather than putting a price tag on,” said Campbell. “People are very generous.”

The yard sale is also a chance to give high school students community service hours, as there will be students there helping to set up for the event.

Krisak said while the food pantry benefits the most, it is also great for the N.H. Humane Society. She said anything not sold as far as blankets, pillows and towels will be sent to the Humane Society. Local thrift stores and the Salvation Army also take whatever isn’t sold, and some items are brought to the town transfer station’s store.

“We try not to throw anything away at all,” said Krisak.

Parks said this is always a popular event for people to get a head start on holiday shopping by finding items at cheap prices. She said it is very busy in the morning hours, and there will almost certainly be someone waiting for the yard sale to open so they can get their hands on the best items.

The idea of the indoor yard sale came to be after yard sales were done to support the high school after-prom party. The school had already been donating to the food pantry through canned good, and members of the faculty realized that a yard sale could work even better.

“It’s a great thing to do for the community, because we know a lot of the kids use the food pantry,” said Krisak.

Donations for the yard sale can be brought to the Inter-Lakes Elementary School on Friday, Oct. 14 from 3:30 to 6 p.m., or on the morning of the yard sale, Sunday, Oct. 16, from 7 to 8 a.m.

The yard sale takes place at the Inter-Lakes Elementary School’s multi-purpose room on Oct. 16 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Any questions can be directed to Alesia Parks at

The Meredith Emergency Food Pantry is located at 147 Main Street and it is open for donations between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. For more information log onto 937-0592.

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