Food pantry closed Saturday - Herald-Mail Media

Food pantry closed Saturday - Herald-Mail Media

The Grace United Methodist Church food pantry will not be open Saturday. It will be open from 9 to 10:30 a.m. Saturday, May 12. The church is at 712 W. Church St.

For more information, call the church office at 301-739-1925.

Lions Club news

The West Hagerstown Lions Club hosted its annual leader dog banquet on April 24. The guest speaker for the Lions Leader Dog School for the Blind was BJ Blahnik from Wisconsin. He began having visual problems at the age of 10, and now owns his own company, which works with special-needs individuals.

He brought along his leader dog, a male black Labrador named Goober, his third leader dog. He said that once he got his dog, he felt like a new person, free to go with his dog in the lead.

Lions from Multiple District 22 work closely with Wilmer Eye Institute to research and create low-vision rehabilitation programs.

The club is selling ham sandwiches and Penn Avenue Meats raffle tickets. First prize is a $100 gift card; second prize, $50; and third prize, $25. Tickets cost $1 each.

The club is still collecting food for the food bank and is expecting to award college scholarships to graduating seniors in the near future.

All Lions clubs are collecting adult and children’s eyeglasses, including sunglasses. They also are collecting hearing aids and new hearing-aid batteries.

Western Enterprise Auxiliary Bingo

The auxiliary of the Western Enterprise Fire Co. is hosting bingo Sunday at 526 Washington Square in Hagerstown. The doors will open at 12:30 p.m. and bingo starts at 2 p.m. Admission is $25, which includes a meal.

Tip jars will be available.

Attendees must be at least 16 years old to play bingo and 18 to play tip jars. No outside food or drink is permitted.

For information or tickets, call 301-733-8615 or 301-491-3713.

Western Enterprise bingo sessions

Western Enterprise Fire Co. will be closed Saturday, May 12, for its regular Saturday night bingo. It is open Saturday and Saturday, May 19.

The fire company also is hosting a meat bingo Sunday, May 20. Doors open at 12:30 p.m. and bingo starts at 2 p.m. Admission is $25, which includes a meal.

Tip jars will be available.

Attendees must be at least 16 years old to play bingo and 18 to play tip jars. No outside food or drink is permitted.

For information or tickets, call 301-733-8615 or 301-491-3713.

Spring-A-Ling Bingo

The Hagerstown Lioness Club is hosting Spring-A-Ling Bingo on Sunday at the UAW Hall on Maugans Avenue.

Doors open at 11 a.m.; lunch and snack items will be available for purchase. Bingo begins at 1 p.m., featuring 20 games with special games, tip jars and 50/50. For more information or to purchase tickets, call Pat at 301-582-3334 or Ellen at 301-302-7709.

Tickets cost $20 in advance, $25 at the door.

South High alumni to meet

South Hagerstown High School's Rebel Alumni Association will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, May 10, at the school's media center. Scholarships and the golf tournament will be discussed.

All South High alumni are invited to attend.

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