Pack the Car: Andersonville men make monthly mission to help food pantry - WGN TV Chicago

Pack the Car: Andersonville men make monthly mission to help food pantry - WGN TV Chicago
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CHICAGO — Every month, two Andersonville men have been collecting donations to help a local food pantry.

It started in 2008, when Gregg Rojewski and Steven Pryor were approached by a young man asking for help with food after leaving a restaurant.

“We offered him the leftover meal, Rojewski said. “He devoured the entire meal.”

That one interaction sparked this two person operation in Andersonville. They officially call their mission “Pack the Car.”

Starting simply with friends, it’s grown to so much more.

They collect food, clothes and toiletries from neighbors throughout Andersonville. All of it is given to a food pantry in Edgewater called Care for Real. The pantry served more than 5,000 people a month.

“I think the great thing is it brings awareness to the local resources that people have,” Pryor said. “So it’s like look at your own backyard, look at your own neighborhood and see how you get back in in your own neighborhood.”

In a season of giving a caring for your neighbors, this is a small slice of how just one or two people can make a bigger impact.