New personal needs pantry facilitated by people with developmental disabilities - WTOL

New personal needs pantry facilitated by people with developmental disabilities - WTOL

SYLVANIA, Ohio — There's a new way for people in need to get some of the items we take for granted every day. Behind that bag of hygiene items, you'll find more than a smiling face. 

Tissues, toilet paper and body wash are just some of the items clients of Luther Home of Mercy day program are filling bags with.  "Soap, laundry soap and different things like that. They can use," says Darlene, a Luther Home of Mercy day program client. Another client, Sue, adds, "Toothbrush, toothpaste, things on this list right here."

The bags they're filling are for a new personal needs pantry at Advent Lutheran Center in Sylvania. Each Friday, the bag will be passed out to folks in need in our community. It's the first pantry in the state facilitated by people with developmental disabilities. 

 "We started out with Hannah's Socks and we decided to do a bit more volunteering and I went to a couple different coalitions and we came up with the pantry," says Denise Hennan, the Supervisor for the program

The clients have embraced the new program. They help organize the donations that come in, fill the bags and even colored some pictures to bring a smile to the recipient's face.

"Help the needy. Help the people who need things," says Sue. Darlene adds, "It's a lot of fun."

"They just want to help out in the community and then every little thing that we get, they get excited. They like to help put things away. They love to help get things out of people's cars. They just want to help," says Hennan.

If you're in need of a bag, you can call 419-882-3701 to make an appointment. Donations are also needed. You can drop them off Monday through Friday from 8 a.m.-4 p.m. at The Advent Lutheran Center on the corner of McCord and Sylvania Avenue in Sylvania.

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