Clinton High hoping to help students with food pantry - Worcester Telegram

Clinton High hoping to help students with food pantry - Worcester Telegram

CLINTON - Many children suffer from what is called either "food insecurity" or "food insufficiency."

At Clinton High School, administrators worried that students who receive free breakfast and lunch had problems being fed on weekends.

This led to the establishment of a food pantry at the high school, where students who needed easy-to-prepare foods could discretely be helped.

"Families are having to choose between paying the electric bill and buying food," guidance counselor Rose Solar said. "Children learn better when they are fed."

Guidance counselor Lauren Pupecki attended a conference a year ago at UMass-Lowell where area colleges talked about the need to help their students - and to establish points of contact between high schools and colleges to help support students with food insecurity, who are homeless, are couch surfing or otherwise need continued help. Many colleges, like Mount Wachusett Community College, not only offer food pantries for students, but provide yearly housing for students with nowhere else to go and food when traditional cafeterias are not available.

So administrators put their heads together and decided to set up a local pantry for students who need some food.

While the pantry quietly opened earlier this year, the school is now ready to get the word out to help students.

"We have given teachers a list of what to look for if a student is having food insecurity issues," Solar said.

Pupecki said, in addition to needing food, several students have parents working weekends, so they need something they can prepare themselves.

Solar and Pupecki met with Jodi Breidel, of WHEAT Community Connections, for advice on how to administrate the support. And when the CARE Food Pantry recently received new shelves, the old ones were given to the high school.

"We are all working together," Solar said.

So far, donations have come from within the school.

"The teachers have been generous," Solar said. When the school does its spirit week food collection, donations will still be shared with CARE and the WHEAT pantry, but some food will be retained at the high school.

The school will be able to help students with food items, toiletries, and even new clothing, given by Karen's Closet.

"The kids can pick out what they need," Pupecki said, then pick them up in her office, discretely, at the end of the day. There are even backpacks available for students to take the donated items home.

The National Honor Society will help stock and organize the shelves, but only administrators will work with students needing help. Solar said, once a few students have been helped, they will spread the word that there is support available.

"It has got to become part of the culture," Solar said.

Suggested food items needed include: applesauce, beans, canned chicken, fruits, vegetables and tuna, cereal, crackers, fruit juices, granola bars, jelly, mac-and-cheese, pasta, peanut butter, rice, shelf stable milk, soup and stews. In addition, personal care items, such as deodorant, shampoo, soap, tampons/sanitary pads and toothpaste are also appreciated.

Donations can be dropped off with Libbie Sweatland in the high school office any school day from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.

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