Courtesy photo The staff of Bishop Noa Home conducted a food drive for the EscanabaJunior/Senior High School Food Pantry and was able to donate six boxes of food. They also did a bake sale that raised $300 for the Food Pantry needs. Key Club members will do the shopping when the pantry runs low on specific items. The food pantry is utilized multiple times weekly for students in need and they can choose items that they know they will eat. Students go through the school social worker, Mrs. Bink, who is located in the Student Services Office, to access the pantry. Highly utilized foods include canned soups and meals, spaghetti noodles and sauce, macaroni and cheese, complete dinner meal kits, cereal, peanut butter and jelly, any type of breakfast bars, granola bars, pop-tarts, crackers, or other snacks. Shown, from left, are Key Club members Adrian Brazeau, Courtney Johnson, Erin Davidson, Susie Cobb from Bishop Noa Home, and Key Club member Abby Hill.
Courtesy photo
The staff of Bishop Noa Home conducted a food drive for the Escanaba Junior/Senior High School Food Pantry and was able to donate six boxes of food. They also did a bake sale that raised $300 for the Food Pantry needs. Key Club members will do the shopping when the pantry runs low on specific items. The food pantry is utilized multiple times weekly for students in need and they can choose items that they know they will eat. Students go through the school social worker, Mrs. Bink, who is located in the Student Services Office, to access the pantry. Highly utilized foods include canned soups and meals, spaghetti noodles and sauce, macaroni and cheese, complete dinner meal kits, cereal, peanut butter and jelly, any type of breakfast bars, granola bars, pop-tarts, crackers, or other snacks. Shown, from left, are Key Club members Adrian Brazeau, Courtney Johnson, Erin Davidson, Susie Cobb from Bishop Noa Home, and Key Club member Abby Hill.