MUSKEGON, Mich. — If you are hungry, help yourself. If you have extra, add it to the shelves.
That is how it works at the Little Free Pantry that just opened in Muskegon.
“It has worked out pretty well so far,” says co-founder Sara Wolovlek.
The Little Free Pantry is a tall cupboard Sara Wolovlek and her husband Damian placed on the corner by their home at 7th Street and Monroe Avenue in Muskegon.
They say they had heard about free pantries in other cities and decided to start one in their neighborhood.
They stock the shelves of the cupboard with mostly donated items and people come and take what they need.
"You see people that need items coming and getting them that otherwise, they might not have,” Sara said. “It makes you feel good. And It makes me excited to see people donate because then you see there are a lot of good people in this world.”
People who want to donate can leave items at the cupboard on the corner of 7th Street and Monroe Avenue or contribute on the Little Free Pantry GoFundMe page.
The Wolovleks are hoping others will copy the idea and open a pantry in their neighborhoods.
“We are low income ourselves and we just wanted to do something to try and make a difference and teach our kids it only takes on person to make a difference,” Sara said.
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