Ascension Marketing Group Donates Over 100 Lbs to Local Waco Food Pantry - GlobeNewswire

Ascension Marketing Group Donates Over 100 Lbs to Local Waco Food Pantry - GlobeNewswire
WACO, TX, July 02, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Ascension Marketing Group took up upon themselves to partner with Move for Hunger to help raise can food items for hungry children in the Waco area. From June 3rd to June 17th Ascension Marketing Group raised 187 pounds and helped feed 156 meals to the community.Ascension Marketing Group decided to partner with Move for Hunger because they are a non-profit organization, that according to their website “mobilizes the relocation industry to fight hunger and reduce food waste.” Their goal is to collect unwanted, unopened food from people and deliver it to local food banks.“Move for Hunger has collected over 6 million pounds of food throughout the years, we are happy to be able to be a part of that number and provide meals to those who need them.” Said President & CEO of Ascension Marketing Group Raziel Charles.According to Raziel once he announced the food drive, every day he would see his employees and people in his building start to donate food. “ We choose the summer time because some children don’t have the resources to eat at home, they would usually get their food at school, so we want to help them get the nutrition they need during the summertime.”There are over 41 million Americans that face hunger every day. They do not know where their next meals are coming from. Plus knowing that children are a part of that number, Ascension Marketing Group knew they needed to contribute in some way. “ I was thrilled to see not only my office but my neighbors in the building, other companies coming to drop off what they can really make a difference,” said Raziel.Once Raziel dropped off the food at the Shepherds' Heart Food Pantry, where they were able to weight it and realized they raised 187 pounds of food. 
“it was an incredible feeling knowing that this effort is going to help feed 156 meals, that is 156 times someone will feel hungry and be able to be fed.” Said Raziel.
For more information on how to donate and be part of Move for Hunger, visit their website at www.moveforhunger.orgFor more information about Ascension Marketing Group, visit their website at www.ascensionmarketinginc.net1105 Wooded Acres Drive Suite 420 Waco, TX 76710 254-368-2410

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