The Somerset Area Food Pantry has served 250,000 clients since its beginning in 1982. That includes 99,726 families who received assistance.
“This is a great milestone in our years of service,” said Doris Miller, the oldest worker at nearly 90. “I take care of the bread and eggs. I have been doing this for the last 10 years.”
As part of Somerset Area Ministries, the idea was formulated by the Rev. H. James Meyers, pastor of Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, which has hosted the food pantry throughout its history. Trinity’s current pastor, the Rev. Linda McElroy Thomas, continues the work of her predecessors by working behind the scenes.
The pantry has expanded into using two of Trinity’s rooms full time and a third room for interviews on Wednesday mornings. The refrigerators, freezers and storage spaces, meeting rooms and hallways are set up to offer hospitality to neighbors who experience food insecurity on Wednesday mornings and are maintained by Trinity and its staff.
Churches that collect food are welcome to unload throughout the week. Trinity also participates in the Allegheny Synod’s canned food drive, which occurs from Thanksgiving through Super Bowl Sunday. In addition, Trinity hosts an annual toy drive, in which families can choose gifts for their children and grandchildren, and have the gifts wrapped and bagged during one food pantry day in December. In 2018, the drive provided gifts for 296 children from 88 households.
George Stein, site director, and the Rev. Joseph Beer, assistant, thanked the volunteers who have assisted with the food distribution each Wednesday. They included Donna Gardner, Janet Gulliver, Betty Harman, Betty McGee, Marge Coddington, Don Voytish, Todd Spahn, Ann Persun and Connie Long. Stein also wanted to express his appreciation, as well as that of the board of directors, for the community’s continued support.
Packers are Gail Boucher, Arlene DeArmitt, Linda Dorcon, Kathy Picking, Howard Harman, Doris Miller, Ron Schrock, Kelly McNaul, Lydia Welsh, Doug Fanale, James Baker, Stein, Connie Long and Frank Kyle. Betty Ann Runner and Kandi Barron assist in scheduling and writing thank-you notes.
The Rev. Jay Christner is chairman of the board, which meets the second Wednesday of each month except June, July and August or if Somerset schools are delayed or closed. Beer is vice chairman. Ann Persun is treasurer and Gulliver, secretary. Other steering committee members are the Rev. Rick Helsel, Ray Rizzo, caller Betty Ann Runner, Betty McGee, William Kuhlman, Vernon Berkey, Roger Williams, the Rev. Robert Thomas, the Rev. Eric Raygor, Betty Anderson and Danielle Maurer.
“We try to have representation from all the churches in the area on the board or working weekly at the pantry,” Christner said. “The pantry is open every Wednesday from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. except when Somerset Area schools are delayed or closed.”
Clients may come 12 times during the year.
“We stand by as an emergency relief agency for people in need,” Christner added. “We always try to have adequate funds to supply the needs during any emergency. We are indeed thankful for all who supply us with adequate funds and donations.”