Inmate lures Rikers correction officer into food pantry, chokes her: sources - PIX11 New York

Inmate lures Rikers correction officer into food pantry, chokes her: sources - PIX11 New York

RIKERS ISLAND — A Rikers inmate is accused of luring a female correction officer into a pantry and choking her, sources told PIX11 News.

The attack happened Wednesday morning at Rikers Island.

Raphael Davlos is awaiting trial on robbery and forcible touching charges. He was arrested in August 2018.

The officer was treated and released from the hospital.

Following a string of violent attacks against correction officers in recent weeks, COBA president Elias Husamueen called on Department of Correction to immediately implement new safety measures to increase security in the city’s jails and change the inmate to officer ratio.

“We need to stop acting like there’s no such thing as crime and punishment,” Husamudeen said.

Sources also said Wednesday that another officer was attacked in a separate incident at the Manhattan Detention Center.

Jose Muniz, one of the five men convicted in the murder of Lesandro “Junior” Guzman Feliz, attacked a correction officer at the Manhattan Detention Center, dislocating the officer’s shoulder, according to Elias Husamudeen, president of the Correction Officer’s Benevolent Association.

The unprovoked attack took place Tuesday night at Manhattan Detention Center, where Muniz is being held while awaiting transfer to a state prison, sources said.

The officer was treated at the hospital and released, according to sources.

The Department of Correction is pursing the re-arrest on the inmate as the incident remains under investigation.

“Our officers are brave public servants who make our jails safer. These attacks are deplorable and we take assaults on our officers very seriously. We are pursuing the re-arrest of those responsible,” said Deputy Commissioner of Public Information Peter Thorne.


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