Food pantry offers thanks for support - Opinion - Citizens Voice

Food pantry offers thanks for support - Opinion - Citizens Voice

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Editor: The volunteers of Holy Family Food Pantry in Luzerne would like to thank the following for their support in the past few months.

The U.S. Postal Service employees donated food from their annual food drive to us. St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Confraternity of Christian Mothers, Swoyersville; Forty Fort Cub Scout Pack 123; The Kids Club of St. Jude’s Church, Mountain Top; St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, Swoyersville; Gerrity’s Supermarket, Luzerne; and Wyoming Valley West Middle School students and staff also collected food for our pantry.

A special thanks to the Swoyersville Kiwanis Club, Knights of Columbus Assembly 1928 and Presbyter of Lackawanna for their generous donations.

Donations by these groups help us to be able to continue distributing food to the many needy people in our area.

Carol Cardoni

For the pantry volunteers


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