Local Business Donates to Benny's Pantry | Local News - KPVI News 6

Local Business Donates to Benny's Pantry | Local News - KPVI News 6

A local business in Pocatello made a donation to Benny's Pantry at Idaho State University.

Benny's Pantry is at ISU to alleviate food insecurity within the Bengal family, and received a $2,940 check from Valley Office Systems.

The Pantry distributes food and non-perishable items free of cost to anyone with an active Bengal Card twice per month.

Valley Office Systems has been doing outreach within the Pocatello community, discovered Benny's Pantry, volunteered there, and decided to take portions from its sales in March to make a donation for the good work that the Pantry does for ISU.

Darren Hansen, Marketing Director at Valley Office Systems said, "I've been going to ISU games since I was you know five years old, and it's always great to as I get older and get in these positions we have the opportunity as a company, a family company to give back to kind of the organizations and the people around us that have supported us as I grew up."

Valley Office Systems is looking forward to continuing their community outreach.

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