UW-Stout opens food pantry to help alleviate food insecurity on campus - WEAU

UW-Stout opens food pantry to help alleviate food insecurity on campus - WEAU

MENOMONIE, Wis. (WEAU) -- For the first time students at the University of Wisconsin-Stout have access to free groceries!

The university says more than one-third of college students across the country are food insecure which is why the Helping Hand food plus pantry is needed.

The pantry not only offers nonperishable and perishable food items but items like laundry detergent and hygiene products.

Residence life coordinator Sarah Snyder said, “Within the first couple years I had some students coming to me or my staff members asking, "Hey I've only been able to eat one or two meals a week is there somewhere I can get more food?"

The pantry opened in the university services building last week after Snyder noticed many students struggling to afford food. She says all of the food is donated with some of it coming from Feed My People food bank in Eau Claire.

She added, “We're in the process of opening a foundation account so people can donate if they want to do that. “

Snyder says she hopes to help 30 to 50 students a month once the word gets out the pantry is open for business.

“As we recruit more first generation low income students who maybe didn't have access to college in the past, once they get here they tend to still struggle financially,” said Snyder. “Financial aid doesn't always cover everything; classes, housing, food, books. So, this is just one way we can help out and help students have one less thing to worry about when they're in school and to be able to stay here.”

Snyder says she eventually hopes to add a career closet as well to help students who need a professional outfit for a job interview.

“I've been trying to get this going for a year and a half now so to actually have it open and running is great,” she added.
Students will be required to fill out a one-time form to use helping hand but the data will be confidential.
The information will be shared with Feed My People food bank to target what it buys for Helping Hand.

The pantry is open Tuesdays from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m., Wednesdays 11:15 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. and Thursdays 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. or by appointment.

You can email foodpantry@uwstout.edu to schedule an appointment.

To donate you can make checks to the Foundation and designate Helping Hand food pantry.

Mail donations to: Stout University Foundation, 320 S. Broadway St., Menomonie, Wis., 54751. To contact the foundation, call 715-232-5161.

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