On Saturday, Feb. 9, in freezing cold temperatures and with a biting wind, close to 500 people gathered at the flag pole in Somersworth to cheer as the Vatican flag was raised. As part of the ceremony, people brought bags of food to be donated to the food pantry. In all approximately 3,000 pounds of food was donated to the Community Food Pantry. Staff of the Community Food Pantry would like to extend special thanks to Father Andrew Nelson and the parishioners of St. Ignatius of Loyola Parish and St. Mary’s of Rollinsford who spearheaded this event and provided such a wonderful donation for the food pantry.
The Community Food Pantry, located at 176 West High St. in Somersworth, serves families in the towns of Somersworth and Rollinsford, New Hampshire, and Berwick and Lebanon, Maine. The pantry was started in 1990 as a combined effort of the churches in the three towns of Somersworth, Berwick and Rollinsford along with Strafford County Community Action.
It was the dream child of several people.
Harriet Corson had distributed food as part of her work at Somersworth Community Action Program office. Rev. Mark Rideout had been giving out food to those people who came to the church in need. First Parish Church and Community Action were, originally, across the street from one another.
Mark and Harriet decided it didn’t make sense to have two pantries in Somersworth, so they put their resources together to distribute the food from the church. Then, they decided to ask other churches to join in the effort, making it an ecumenical and community venture, staffed by volunteers from all of the participating churches.
The pantry started out serving 25 families consisting of 43 adults and 35 children per month. Since that small beginning the pantry has grown substantially. It is now not affiliated with any single church but is a non-denominational nonprofit 501( C )(3) Organization.
During calendar year 2018 the food pantry served a total of 3,713 families an average of 309 families per month. The number of individuals served during 2018 was 9,338. With the expected increased reductions in food stamp and decreases to unemployment allotments, these numbers are expected to increase over the coming months. During 2018 the Community Food Pantry expended a total of $36,573.00 to purchase food for distribution to those in need. The pantry also distributed a total of 289 Thanksgiving baskets as well. In addition, the pantry received no cost food from both New Hampshire and Maine U.S.D.A. under the TEFAP Program and some of the area grocery stores. In 2018 the food pantry distributed over 150,000 pounds of food. It is generous donations such as these and events such as Saturday’s flag raising that help the pantry continue to provide food to those less fortunate.
Without the generous donations we receive from area businesses, organizations, churches, schools, stores and individuals it would not be possible for the pantry to distribute as much food to as many families as we do. I would also like to express special thanks to the following businesses who donate to the food pantry on a regular basis: Hannaford Supermarkets, Shaw’s Supermarkets, Panera Bread, and Pepperidge Farm all of whom donate food approaching it’s sell by date:, These donations and all the volunteers who collect the food and man the food pantry are what make it possible for so many area families in need to receive help in putting food on their tables.
Thank you to everyone who helped make Saturday’s flag raising and food collection event so successful. Many families will receive healthy nutritious food for several weeks due to the generosity of all those who brought food to the flag-raising.
— Pat Vachon is executive director of the Community Food Pantry.