Franklin municipal workers cheer on Pats while benefiting food pantry - Milford Daily News

Franklin municipal workers cheer on Pats while benefiting food pantry - Milford Daily News

This year, municipal workers decided to collect monetary donations for the Franklin Food Pantry in exchange for the privilege of wearing Pats gear and jeans to work.

FRANKLIN - Every time the New England Patriots reach the Super Bowl, town employees get into the spirit by wearing Pats gear to work and posing for a group photo in the lobby of the municipal building. You could say it has become one of those famed pre-game traditions that, in some mysterious way, offers its own bit of good luck to the team.

Not about to risk that luck, the municipal staff faithfully came to work Friday looking ready for a Super Bowl party, and gathered for their photo. But they also upped their game in advance of Sunday's Super Bowl. This time, they decided to collect monetary donations for the Franklin Food Pantry in exchange for the privilege of wearing Pats gear and jeans to work.

"It's Jeans for the Pantry," explained Town Clerk Teresa Burr.

The idea of Jeans for the Pantry is an outgrowth of an effort the Town Hall employees undertake throughout the year, "Jeans for Troops," Burr said. This time the word was sent out that "if you donate money to the food pantry, you get to wear jeans and your favorite Patriots gear to work," she said.

Normally, Town Hall policy calls for wearing business casual. This is the first year the group has coupled its pre-Super Bowl tradition with raising funds for a local charity. In total, they gathered $305 by Friday afternoon, with 33 employees participating.

Along with Deputy Town Administrator Jamie Hellen and his administrative assistant, Chrissy Whelton, Burr hatched the plan to double up on the spirit: Patriots spirit and town spirit wrapped up into one.

Tracy MacLeod, who works in the town's technology department, says there is a special connection in Franklin with the Patriots: many of the players and coaches live there, sending their kids to the town's schools and patronizing local businesses, she said.

"We really support the Pats here in Franklin," she said, referring to the team as "our boys. That's what we call them."

Town Hall is usually abuzz with football talk throughout the season, MacLeod added.

"We get in little huddles and discuss the games," she said. "It's fun. We're all very excited. We talk about football all the time."

The group's excitement was obvious Friday as they gathered on the stairway in the lobby at the municipal building and pumped their fists into the air, yelling out in unison, "Go Pats!"

Daily News Staff writer Scott Calzalaio contributed to this story.

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