NORTH OLMSTED, Ohio -- Oxcart Pantry normally serves 150 North Olmsted families a month; however, during the holiday season, that number rises to roughly 200, which is why the food pantry is currently seeking donations.
"We're heading into that peak season," North Olmsted Division of Youth & Family Services Administrator Christine M. Allegra said. "While our October wish list is based on what we were low on and what we go through very quickly, the November list is geared towards a Thanksgiving-type holiday."
Mayor Kevin Kennedy added: "It's extremely important for the community. It's an ongoing battle. It's not always the same people coming in. Somebody might lose their job. There are always people in need, particularly single moms with kids.
"It's just important we all step up and do a little bit on our own to help some of the people who are less fortunate," he said.
The current Oxcart Pantry wish list includes instant mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes (canned), vegetables, Jello (dry), canned fruit, gravy (jar or can), hot chocolate, cranberry sauce, salad dressing, cake/brownie mix and frosting. Allegra added that $10 Giant Eagle gift cards are also needed, with a Nov. 12 deadline for all Thanksgiving donations.
"In November, we give everyone what we call a Thanksgiving bag with things like stuffing, mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce," Allegra said. "It's the only time of the year we actually give out a dessert in a bonus bag. Also, if we have enough donated funds on hand, we will give them a $10 gift card in order to buy a turkey or put towards a turkey."
The Oxcart Pantry started in 1974 in the basement of Old Town Hall before relocating in 2011 to a Butternut Ridge Road property. Based on household size and income, eligible residents include single adults and families.
"We have a lot of adults on disability or nearing retirement," Allegra said. "We have people who are retired, are on fixed incomes and are juggling their fixed income trying to pay for medical costs or prescriptions."
While the food pantry doesn't hold fundraising events, Allegra said the entity has a very good working relationship with local organizations and churches, which offer monthly support via food collections and financial donations.
"We're also a member of the Greater Cleveland Food Bank," Allegra said. "So we purchase food (for) pennies on the pound. That money goes a long way with them in order to keep us stocked."
For more information about donations and hours of operation, visit the Oxcart Pantry webpage.