Food Drive To Help Fill Local Pantry For Holidays - Journal & Topics Newspapers Online

Food Drive To Help Fill Local Pantry For Holidays - Journal & Topics Newspapers Online

A food drive is set for 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 20 outside the Costco store at Randhurst Village as part of Mount Prospect’s ongoing efforts to keep the village’s food pantry stocked.

This will be the eighth year the village has organized a food drive for the holiday season. Between 120-130 Mount Prospect families will receive three bags of groceries for Thanksgiving and Christmas each, along with various miscellaneous items, bread, meat (turkey or ham), diapers if needed, and coats.

Organizing the drive are the village’s Human Services Dept., Mount Prospect Fire Dept. and Mount Prospect Fire Firefighters Local 4119.

According to Fire Chief Brian Lambel, the food drive donated close to $40,000, or eight pallets of food, last year. This year’s goal is to collect 10 pallets of food for the holiday meal programs. Lambel said between 30-40 individuals, including shift personnel, off-duty staff and volunteers, will help with the drive this Saturday.

“(Former Fire Chief Chief John) Malcolm did a great job starting this effort and it is our responsibility as a fire department and village to improve on his efforts and to fill up the pantry for the people in the community in need,” Lambel said. “This is a great opportunity for people to be more aware of others that live in town that use the food pantry and who are in need on a weekly basis.”

According to Human Services office manager Carol Baldini, the food pantry is 30 percent full right now. Human Services Director Julie Kane said the food drive and other forthcoming donations will help sustain the pantry year-round, allowing the village to distribute food and goods to those in need on a monthly basis.

According to Kane, between 40-50 households receive assistance from the pantry each month. Following the drive, the fire department will deliver the donations to the food pantry at village hall. Items most needed include:

• baby diapers (all sizes)

• canned beef stew, chicken and dumplings, Spam, etc.

• canned chicken, meats and tuna

• canned fruit and fruit cups

• canned ravioli, spaghetti, etc.

• cereal

• coffee/tea/cocoa

• cookies

• crackers

• dried pinto beans

• green beans

• hamburger helper

• instant mashed potatoes 

• jam and jelly

• Jell-o (regular or sugar free)

• juice or juice boxes

• paper towels, napkins and toilet paper

• peanut butter

• pudding and pudding cups

• pasta sides

• school lunch snacks

• stuffing mix

Homemade food or items past their expiration dates cannot be accepted. People should not bring cans over 32 ounces and packages over five pounds.

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