Plate lunches help support pantry - Times-Herald

Plate lunches help support pantry - Times-Herald

The shelves at the St. Francis County Food Pantry are nearly bare and volunteers are working to try and get them restocked to help feed the needy in the community.
Each Tuesday, volunteers prepare a lunch meal at the Pantry for the community to purchase at a cost of $10 per plate. The lunches are served from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Pantry’s home at 128 S. Water St., and are available to carry out or eat in the Pantry’s dining area.
The menu changes each week, but each plate lunch includes a meat, two sides, bread, dessert and a drink for the $10 donation.
Organizers said businesses are welcome to call ahead to place larger orders so they can be ready for pickup. To place an order, call the Pantry at 870-630-1823.
Supplies at the Pantry are traditionally lower in the spring and summer months and this is one way volunteers are working to try and raise money to help restock the shelves. Donations are also welcome.

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