by Rose Hawkins
One in eight people in America struggles with hunger.
“It breaks our hearts to think of anyone going hungry.” Linda Cook spoke softly. “That is why we at First Church of Christ in Georgetown have our Food Pantry.”
Cook, whose late husband Jerry was instrumental in starting the pantry about ten years ago, oversees the running of it now.
“We operate on donations alone, and we try to be as efficient with the funds we have as possible.”
“The Midwest Food Bank at Bloomington donates food to us.” Cook continued.
“We have one volunteer, Frank Dixon, who drives his own truck up there and brings it back here once a month. Then many volunteers, including Frank’s wife, Denise, work here in the pantry to unload the truck and organize the inventory. We are so blessed to have all of these volunteers! I couldn’t do it without them. I put in an order each month of what items we need, but there is no selection of brands.”
“At the Eastern Illinois Food Bank in Urbana, we buy food at reduced rates. Last month we received 756 pounds of food, and paid $142. When I put in our order each month with them, I try to keep it under $150.”
The Student Council at Georgetown Ridge Farm High School recently had a food drive that provided them with a lot of items. “Those kids worked hard, and we do appreciate it!” Cook said.
“Individuals donate money and or food. Some buy our grocery bags so we don’t have to use our money for that, and another couple buys laundry detergent. When they were starting up the food pantry, and over the years, donors have given two refrigerators and three deep freezers.
The Food Pantry is open on the third Thursday of each month from 4-7 p.m., and services Georgetown, Ridge Farm and Indianola. Proof of residence must be provided. Meat, bread and frozen food is picked up the day before they are open, and once again, the volunteers show up to help.
“We have been really blessed this month,” Cook was anxious to relate, “Some hunters from out of state bagged two deer and donated them to us, and a local hunter also donated his deer - already in one pound packages and frozen. Some of our families don’t like deer meat, but we just learned recently that if cooked with onions, it tastes like regular hamburger.”
As the families come into the building to get their food, they are welcomed by the Pastor, Phil Miller, and other representatives from the church.
They have prayer blessing the food and the people, and a short devotion before signing in.
The food is arranged neatly on shelves and a long table. They get to choose a specified amount of food, which changes according to what is available and number of people in the family. Only one family member can go through the line to select the items.
The Food Pantry is inspected once a year by both the Vermilion County and the State of Illinois, and the Certificate from each must be displayed in the building where it is housed.
Cook says they have about eighty families, made up of about two hundred, fifteen people. Of that, there are about seventy - four children.
Donations can be hand delivered to the church or mailed to First Church of Christ, 501 N Main Street, Georgetown, IL 61846.
Checks should be payable to the church.
Be sure to note on your donation that it is for the Food Pantry.