On behalf of the Polson area Loaves and Fish food pantry, I’m thrilled to thank both the Greater Polson Community Foundation and the Lower Flathead Community Foundation for their generous support of our school backpack program. Their donations will cover about a third of our costs to provide some weekend food for school children in food-insecure families during the school year. Being able to provide nourishing food to needy families is a privilege we are delighted to have, but it takes the time, effort, and resources of many folks working together to make it successful.
We are also grateful to those who have donated money to our summer backpack or other programs and to those who have donated food from grocery stores or their own pantries and gardens, whether individually or as part of a group. In addition, we appreciate those who regularly take the time to pick up food – and boxes – from local establishments, to restock our shelves, and to distribute the largess to the approximately 350 families and several other food pantries we serve each month.
To those who have not yet joined us, I offer this challenge: look around and see what you can do where you are. Can you donate time, talent or treasure to a local food pantry or other charity? Go ask what they need and see how you can help. In doing so, you will join a fine and caring group, and I bet you will receive as well as give.
Linda Kittle