Churches take to High Street to fill food pantry - ThisWeek Community News

Churches take to High Street to fill food pantry - ThisWeek Community News

A collaboration between two Clintonville churches to help feed the hungry will move into a second phase Saturday, Aug. 11.

On that day, volunteers from Clinton Heights Lutheran Church and North Community Lutheran Church participating in the fourth annual Food for All Walk will turn their attentions to getting donations from residents along the North High Street corridor.

The volunteers, traveling this year from Clinton Heights Avenue north to Morse Road, will distribute bags in which people may place canned goods and other nonperishable food items for eventual donation to the Clintonville-Beechwold Community Resources Center, said Jan Patton of North Community Lutheran.

“If you can see the door from the street, we’ll put one on there,” she said of the bag distribution to homes.

Bags were dropped off July 27 at businesses along the same stretch of North High Street.

“It went really well,” Patton said. “So many businesses remember well from years previously and were willing to accept bags.”

Bags left at both businesses and homes will be collected by Food for All volunteers Aug. 25, again starting at Clinton Heights Lutheran and traveling to North Community Lutheran on Morse Road.

“Anybody is welcome to join us if they would like to,” Patton said. “We have people who are willing to be drivers and go ahead every few blocks to have the bags put into the cars.”

Once the cards and volunteers reach their destination that afternoon, the donated items will be loaded into a CRC vehicle.

“Then they take it back and weigh it,” Patton said. “Apparently that’s what they like to do. We’re hoping to get more pounds this year.

“It’s a big undertaking, but certainly worthwhile.”

“It’s amazing,” CRC Development Director Katie Palmer said. “We’re just thrilled that they thought of us four years in a row. It’s going to help fill the shelves at the newly renovated food pantry. There’s a great need right now since we’re back up and running.”


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