MARQUETTE, Mich. (WLUC) - It may be summer but the Northern Michigan University Food Pantry is still providing food assistance to students in need. Volunteers say there's still plenty of students who come in and they're always taking donations.
The pantry also recently entered into a partnership with the Feeding America West Michigan agency. That means they'll be a drop off depot for Feeding America in the fall. The group is made up of volunteers who say they're looking forward to continuing to help those with food insecurities in the area.
"I think people tend to forget that we're around in the summer because it's not as active on campus, but we still have students living here. We still have people who live off campus who are still here and are students in need. Summer classes are still going on," said Volunteer Coordinator Megan O'Connor.
The pantry will be open from 4-6 p.m. on August 1 and 15 for the summer. Once school returns the hours will increase.