'Party for the Pantry' event set for April 28 - The Review

'Party for the Pantry' event set for April 28 - The Review

LISBON — Leadership Columbiana County is sponsoring “Party for the Pantry” — a night of fun for ages 18-over benefiting the Community Action Agency Healthier Community Pantry — 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. April 28 at Social 45 in Lisbon.

Tickets are $5 and can be purchased online or at the door, at tickets.leadershipcolumbianacounty.org; 330-362-4433 or visit the Leadership Columbiana County Facebook page.

The band Chub Scouts will be performing as well as music from DJ Sky High. Raffles throughout the evening as well as a 50/50 raffle available.

The Healthier Community Food Pantry, located in Lisbon, is a Consumer Choice Pantry that provides Columbiana County residents the opportunity to select items that meet the preferences of their family members and any dietary restrictions. The pantry also includes healthier food items such as low or sodium free, sugar free, gluten free, and whole grain products. It is a partner with the Second Harvest Food Bank, and households may visit the pantry one time per calendar month. The funds donated will also help supply personal toiletry items, something that is not provided by the Food Bank.

Leadership Columbiana County is a non-profit organization that provides intensive classroom and hands-on experience to build leadership capabilities. The program is governed by a board of trustees and is self- sustained through tuition, corporate and community support. This year’s class consists of 16 members representing different companies and businesses in Columbiana County.

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