Students at Pleasant Grove High open food pantry to help ... - Fox 13 -

Students at Pleasant Grove High open food pantry to help ... - Fox 13 -

PLEASANT GROVE, Utah – Some students at Pleasant Grove High School are trying to make a difference.

When members of the student council learned Utah has a problem with food insecurity, they stepped up to help.

“For me personally, I had assumed that hunger was something more distant than it actually is,” said Adam Norton, the student body vice president.

He and other students came up with the idea for a food pantry on campus to provide for families in need.

“As soon as you become acquainted with people and you see their struggle, it begins to mean a lot more to you,” Norton said.

The pantry will open to students in April.

Norton, who feels an obligation to assist those in need, hopes students won’t feel ashamed to ask for help.

“We all go through problems and a lot of them are out of our control, and I desire so badly for it to be something no one has to be embarrassed about,” Norton said.

The school is on board with the project. Administrators believe it shows the character of their students.

“I am always amazed by how much these teenagers can do,” said John Barnard, the school’s student council adviser. “I think sometimes these teenagers get a bad rap in the world view, but there are a lot of kids out there who are highly motivated and doing amazing things.”

The pantry will provide food to students at Pleasant Grove High School as well as elementary and middle schools in the area.

You can make a monetary donation to the pantry at this link by creating and account and selecting Pleasant Grove High School student government.

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