Seen this truck taken from an Indianapolis food pantry? | WISH-TV - WISH-TV

Seen this truck taken from an Indianapolis food pantry? | WISH-TV - WISH-TV

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — An Indianapolis food pantry is in desperate need of help after someone stole the box truck is used to pick up food for hundreds of people in need.

Operators of The Lord’s Pantry at Anna’s House said they believe the theft occurred over the weekend. The pantry got the truck almost three years ago after raising money.

A board member said the pantry desperately needs the truck back because they’re not sure what they’re going to do moving forward.

Every week, around a thousand people walk through these doors at The Lord’s Pantry at Anna’s House, 303 N. Elder Ave., east of North Bellmont Avenue on West New York Street.

“We try to reach out to the community with as many services as we can based on what we have available to us,” said Julie Molloy, who is a board member.

Molloy said she works at the pantry and couldn’t believe what happened when she came in Monday morning.

“Pulled in this morning at 11, kind of did a double take and looked all around and wondered where our truck was,” she said.

She made a couple of phone calls to see if anyone was using the box truck; no one had seen or used it since Saturday.

“You just kind of have to gather your thoughts, take a deep breath and say ‘what do we do next,’ and so called the police and reported the vehicle stolen,” she said.

The white box truck was sitting in the pantry’s parking lot.

“It is upsetting. It is disheartening, discouraging,” she said. “I could only hope that whoever took this truck needed this truck more than we did.”

The white box truck is the pantry’s only transportation to pick up bread, fruits and vegetables every week before distribution day for families in need.

“We just appeal for help wherever we could find it,” she said.

The pantry provided pictures of the white box truck. It’s described as a 2006 Ford E450 with license plate number TK255MVP. If you recognize the truck, you’re asked to call police.

“I just have to keep reminding myself that God will take care of us and our friends out there will help us in this time,” she said.

Molloy said someone stepped in to help them this week with pickup, but they are worried about next week.

If you would like to help the pantry, click here or call (317) 631- 5504.

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